Hello, everyone! Welcome back to “fitravelife.com”. As you experience right now Covid 19 is spreading again in Thailand, reaching worst daily new cases at the end of July 2021. Thai government is now trying to pushing vaccination scheme to all residents in the country and luckily, I had a chance to get jab for AstraZeneca vaccine by Social Security program so I want to describe here my experience.
Eligibility of SSO vaccination
This time, I was informed by HR in my company that I can take vaccination by SSO scheme. SSO means social security office in Thailand. If you are working like me in Thailand, you are obliged to join SSO. Monthly contribution shall be deducted from your salary, which is 750THB per month normally for foreigners.
It seems that Thai government is prioritizing the area which is vulnerable for cluster cases such as construction camp and industrial area. I assume this because at that time on July 15th, vaccination rate all over Thailand was around 10% though half of employee in my company, which locates in industrial area, have done for at least 1st dose of Sinovac or AstraZeneca shot.
Venue for Vaccination
The venue of Vaccination program for the employee in Ladkrabang industrial estate was “FBT factory” as in below map. FBT is major company in Thailand to offer Sport ware, equipment and venues such as training gym or sport field. My officemate told me that the venue this time is the factory to produce Sporting goods. There were also sports goods shops and ground inside the factory area.
Vaccination program is supported by Navamin 9 hospital.
Document to fill in before the vaccination
I was called to come to the venue before 9am for reception. At vaccination day, you need to bring passport and pen to fill out the consent forms. The document was all in Thai language, so I completed it supported by my Thai colleague.

Personal information to fill in.
Past disease history to fill in.
Maybe there is the explanation of Covid 19 Vaccination program and risk to accept. Maybe lol.
During waiting for our turn, I was just sitting and chatting with my colleague. My friends are well prepared for the vaccination. They already requested for leave at the vaccination day so once they finish, they go home and plan to take rest in case of side effect of vaccination. For my case, I didn’t concern about side effect so I went to office after the injection, they worked as usual at this day.
At 9:30 am, our company members around 15 person, were called by the staff to vaccination process.
Below is step by step for vaccination process.
- Document fill in
- Document verification
- Health condition check up
- Vaccination
- Waiting 30mins after vaccination to see side effect
Entrance to vaccination program, staff will check the document and identity to pass to enter.
Get sanitized by alcohol gel and check the temperate first.
In second step, each one is required to submit documents filled in then staff will input the data in the computer. For foreigner, this process takes a bit more time than Thai citizen since data for them can be read by national ID card while, our data needs to be typed by referring to the document and passport.
After the registration of information, let’s get this form to bring to next step.
Before the vaccination, you will be in need to take blood pressure to check whether physical condition is suitable for vaccination.
Measure temperate again before blood pressure check.
Finally, next step is vaccination! This time, I took AstraZeneca brand vaccine for 1st shot. It was not painful at all, just a normal injection same as other vaccination injection such as Flu vaccination.
Only simple band on the spot of vaccination.
After vaccination, all are required to wait for 30 mins. If you feel bad or any symptom appears, you can contact medical staff near by. if you are totally fine, you are excused to go home. Before going home another blood pressure check shall be done.
Record of vaccination, next schedule will be informed by SMS as stated.
Congratulation to all for vaccination! There is photo shooting booth so you can take photo and upload to SNS. This is very unique in this country reflecting that Thai nation really love SNS.
After vaccination
After the vaccination, I reported to office as usual since I didn’t feel any side effect much. I just felt pain a bit on the spot of injection for 2 days and felt down a little bit on the following day morning, but not needed to take leave at all so I went to the office next day also.
Whole process of vaccination was very smooth, complete within 1 hour only. I really thank and appreciate the medical staff and supporting volunteer to conduct this vaccination scheme despite quite hot weather outside at day time. Vaccination is one of our hope for fighting against Covid 19. With current lockdown policy in Thailand, I hope situation gets better and better so everybody can get back the life as we were before Covid 19.