Welcome back to “fiteravellife.com”! As you might know, I continuously join the bodybuilding competition in Thailand, organized by TBPA (Thailand Bodybuilding and Physique Sports Association) from December, 2021. From my past experience and observation for other competitors, I would like to summarize the tips how to prepare for the contest for those who are interested to join as first time.
Bodybuilding organization in Thailand
In this article, I mainly write about competition by TBPA (Thailand Bodybuilding and Physique Sports Association), this is the only organization I join in Thailand. As far as I know, there are other groups to hold the contests which are PCA and IFBB pro league.
TBPA (Thailand Bodybuilding and Physique Sports Association)
TBPA has several regional events throughout the year, dividing into 4 areas, Payap Classic (North), E-san Classic (Northeast), Southern Classic (South) and central area competition. Their biggest competition is Mr. Thailand championship held in April, Thai traditional new year season, where No.1 bodybuilder for each category will be decided at the year. Unfortunately, in this pinnacle event is open for only Thai people, so foreigners can join only regional competition.

PCA (Physical Culture Association)
PCA (Physical Culture Association) founded in 2015 then operates in some countries such as UK, US, Korea and Australia etc. Unlike TBPA shows, to compete in this event, you have to register membership and pay fee. For more details and update, please check their webpage and Facebook. I will soon go to watch the show in Pattaya so I will make contest report also in this blog. Unlike TBPA show, even spectators need to pay entrance fee, the show will be held at the hall of Hard rock hotel in Pattaya.

IFBB pro league
IFBB pro league might be the most well-known organization in fitness industry. Mr. Olympia competition is battled top Professional bodybuilders from all over the world. In Thailand, this year March, 2022, Pro qualifier was held at Bangkok, New Pro athletes will join next for open contest to be qualified for Mr. Olympia stage in Las Vegas, United States.
Registration for TBPA competition
Registration for each contest will be started about one month before the day until a week away from the show day. For latest update, normally TBPA Facebook page posts timely so you can follow the page to check the latest info.
Registration shall be done via online with very easy steps that takes only 10 minutes to complete. What is amazing for registration is all registration is FREE so you do not need to pay at all to join. Due to this generous system, many people are not coming to the show after just done registration. For example, when I joined Phuket edition, 12 persons are registered in my class but actually competitors are 9 only at the day.

Body coloring
I have joined TPBA organized competition before so from now on I will mention about TBPA event only. For bodybuilding competition, you have to prepare tanned color on your skin so that the definition or striation of your muscle can be seen much clearly on the stage. For skin coloring, you actually do not need to prepare in advance because they sell tanning lotion on the event day. Below 2 products are on sale normally by event staff.
Before adding oil on your body, do not forget to shave body hair. At weighing session, staff will strictly checks if your body is cleanly shaved.
Beat-X is 700 THB while Dream Tan is 900 THB per pcs. I use only Beat-X only every time, as most people do. If you are Sports Physique class competitor, wearing surf pants to cover knee area, you will be in need only half of bottle. You can share with other class competitor or keep for another competition when you join.
How it looks inside the bottle, it is better to have support to apply oil on your body.
These substance is banned to use in other countries such as Japan and Philippines because oils are easily removed from the skin then might make dirty on the object of event facility. However, in Thailand, this point is not seriously concerned so tanning lotion still can be still used.
For tanning lotion use, I have some tips for beginners to prepare as below.
- Supporter to help apply oil on the body
- Paint roller
- Coconut oil spray
- Leisure mat (Yoga mat)
- Mirror
- Paper towel
Only paper towel is the item I highly recommend to bring. For others, it is good and helpful if you have it, I will explain one by one.
For competition backstage, each participant is allowed to bring one supporter to help such as painting oil on body, pumping up before the show. I always join the show alone, if you are alone, it is difficult to put oil on the back part so you need somebody to help. That’s why most of them brings their supporting staff for oil painting. However if you are alone, no problem actually other Thai people are very kind so that they can help you to apply oil on the back part and rest nicely.
Paint roller and coconut oil spray can be used to add oil on body evenly and oil spray is to show your muscle definition much clearly on the stage. Both items are used by many guys in the backstage. Better prepare by yourself but if you cannot, please ask other people to borrow these items. These are very necessary items to show your body look good so definitely you must have done this process.
Coconut oil spray is I actually seldom see in the supermarket. If you cannot find, you can just buy coconut oil in bottle then move some amount empty cosmetic spray bottle.
Leisure mat (yoga mat) can make your own space to prepare for oil painting and pumping up. Event staff also provides some of sheet on the floor but sometimes it is not enough to occupy your own space. If you have your own, you do not need to be worried to keep your space at backstage so I recommend you bring it.
Mirror is the one to check your pumped up condition and painted oil quality. If you have small one to stand on the floor or hang on the wall, that will be good help for you to check. I noticed that some other guys are bring tall size standing mirror to the event, you can ask them to use to check.
After the competition, how to remove the oil was the problem for me. At first time, I went to shower directly to remove oil but this was huge mistake I made. When oil is mixed with water (even hot), oil will become sticky and get much harder to remove. So my recommendation, you can remove oil with paper towel first then once cleaned whole surface of your body, you can take shower to wash out remaining oil. Other guys are using towel only to remove but I don’t think it is a good way because after cleaning up, such towel got dirty with oil already then you cannot use anymore or very difficult to remove oil from the towel.
Of course, if you prefer spray tanning or other way rather than oil tanning as I mentioned above, you can do it as long as you have tanned skin, it is fine to fit to the stage.
What to bring (others)
- ID card (passport)
- Pump up item such as resistant band, dumbbells
- Carbo up snacks
- ATK set (for Payap Classic, June 2022)
Here are the other things you need to bring. ID is of course necessary to identify. Only body weight can be used for pump up at the back stage but it is also better if you have some equipment for preparation.
And also better to bring food for whole day especially carbo food to support pumping up your muscle.
Posing Procedure
TBPA contest has several categories to offer and posing steps vary slightly based on your category. Aside from Fitness physique class, posing process will follow as below one by one.
- Free posing one by one for one minute
- Comparative posing
- Comparative posing by judge selection
At Pre-judging stage, each person in a category is called one by one to the stage then show free performance one minute. After posing, each one will stand by on the stage until all guys shows up for minute posing. After free posing, event conductor will call every 5 persons to front side of stage then required to show prescribed pose.
In Youtube, you can check past TBPA event to learn and get ideas how to pose on the stage. If possible, it is better to have posing coach who has experience of competition like me at fitness gym.
Top 5 judge
Top 5 competitors in each class and category will move to final round at evening. Procedure will be followed as pre judge except pose down session at last, where all competitors will pose freely at the same time on the sage.
- Free posing one by one for one minute
- Comparative posing
- Pose down
Competition day procedure
I already wrote about how I spent and prepared in a competition day so you can read my other articles to understand what you need and how you prepare. Please check below.

OK! That’s all of my advice for those who joins TBPA bodybuilding competition at first time. Do not worry, at first, there are many things that you do not know before you experienced like me. Just try to enjoy your new challenge, other competitors and staff are very helpful and kind to support you, so don’t be afraid and have fun!