TBPA (Thailand Bodybuilding and Physique Sport Association) just announced their next competition in Phitsanulok Province on 6th and 7th August at Central Phitsanulok. Registration is open until 1st August, so if you are interested, please complete your registration, which is very easily done by online and for free.

Thailand International Elite Physique Championships 2022
Competition details are as below.
- Date : 6th and 7th August, 2022
- Place : Central Phitsanulok
Location of of venue.
Phitsanulok province is located at the central area of Thailand. Several transportation is available by train, bus, minivan and airplane. At this time, I will go with my coach by his car, it takes around 5 hours for 400 km.
For event details, you can check below links. This event is open for anybody, any age and any nationalities other than Thai people. Each competitor can choose only one category to join. Basically this rule is same as other competitions organized by TBPA as last competitions that I joined in Phuket, Hat yai, and Sisaket.

From this year, qualification for biggest fitness competition in Thailand “Mr. Thailand” is limited to only top 5 winners of each 5 reginal TBPA competition. This Phitsanulok edition is also included among of such competition but only Thai people are qualified to join Mr. Thailand match.
And new rule from this year, all competitors must bring self ATK result on event day. ATK test must be taken 24 hours before competition.
In last year, organizer prepared but it seems it became responsibility for participants.
Category of competition
- Men’s Bodybuilding 6 category (below 21 yrs. weight up to 65kg, 75kg, 85kg, over 85kg and Master’s over 50 yrs old)
- Men’s Sport Physique 3 category (height up to 170cm, 175cm and over 175)
- Men’s Athletic Physique 3 category (height up to 170cm, 175cm and over 175)
- Women’s Model Physique 3 category (height up to 160cm, 164 and over 164)
- Women’s Bodybuilding Open
- Women’s Athletic Physique Open
- Women’s Sport Physique Open
- Men’s Fitness Physique Open
- Women’s Fitness Physique Open
For those who are not familiar with the difference of each category, I explained in previous post. Sport Physique is so called “Physique” category while Athletic Physique is more like for “Classic Physique”. Model Physique for Women’s can be considered as “Bikini” category.

Rules and regulation will apply same as WBPF does. WBPF is World Bodybuilding & Physique Sports Federation which is global organization where TBPA also belongs to.
Schedule for the competition day is as follows. Each class category schedule will be done in a day.
- 9:00 – 10:00 Registration
- 10:00 – 10:30 Rules and regulation explanation
- 10:30 – 12:00 Weight in
- 13:00 – 16:00 Pre-judging
- 17:00 – 17:30 Opening ceremony
- 17:30 – 21:00 Final judgment top 5
Class on 6th August (Sat)
- Men’s Athletic Physique
- Men’s Fitness Physique Open
- Women’s Fitness Physique Open
- Men’s Sport Physique
- Women’s Bodybuilding Open
- Women’s Athletic Physique Open
Class on 7th August (Sun)
- Men’s Bodybuilding
- Women’s Model Physique
- Women’s Sport Physique Open
Schedule is almost same when I joined the event before in Phuket. You can also refer to the report below to know how it goes on the competition day.

Registration process is, as I said, very easy for anybody. From below competition details page, click “register ” then fill in the information. You will also need to attach passport picture page and 2×2 inches photo. After the deadline on 1st August, official page will announce entry list so you need to check if your name successfully listed. If you cannot find your name, it is advised to contact event organizer as soon as possible.
Registration link
Contact Phone : 092-278-6816
I just found some selection is not related, such as sponsored gym and gym owner ID attachment. I cannot find my gym, Jetts Fitness so I clicked random gym name to proceed to my photo ID for gym owner ID attachment section.
Done registration! After the deadline 1st August, TBPA will announce successful entry list to competition on their webpage.
Preparation for competition
I made some competition prep post before so please check too!

See ya!