Year 2021 comes to end nearly since December month has arrived already. Covid-19 situation is getting better and better in Thailand so sports event is now allowed to be held gradually under strict Covid-19 preventive action by the organizer. As I mentioned in my first post, one of my 2021 year resolution is to participate in body building competition in Thailand. I decided to join this year’s last competition “Registration for Thailand Southern Bodybuilding Championships” on 25 – 26th December so I would like to record my preparation steps and experience on the battle day. In this post, I will show you registration step for the event.
Thailand Southern Bodybuilding Championships
This time, I joined “Thailand Southern Bodybuilding Championships” which is organized by TBPA (Thailand Bodybuilding and Physique Sports Association). Event was held as the last competition of the year 2021at Central Phuket Floresta in Phuket province from 25 – 26th December 2021.
TBPA was established since August, 1952 in Thailand to promote health throughout bodybuilding and fitness. If you are interested to join or watch their activity such as seminar and competition, you can check their website as below. I normally follow their Facebook official page so that I can get latest news from them timely.


This event is actually open for anybody who wishes to join. In some other events, they restricts only for Thai people as national competition. However this time, as official page shows, any nationalities are welcomed to register. All participants are required to follow Covid-19 preventive measures such as vaccination, sanitizing and social distancing of course. And each one can choose only one category below for your entry.
Day 1 (25th December, 2021)
- Men’s Athletic Physique up to 170 Cm. (Height – 100 = Weight + 2 Kg. )
- Men’s Athletic Physique up to 175 Cm. (Height – 100 = Weight + 4 Kg. )
- Men’s Athletic Physique Over 175 Cm. (Height – 100 = Weight + 6 Kg. /over 180 CM. + 8 Kg.)
- Men’s Bodybuilding Master age 45 years and above
- Men’s Fitness Physique Open
- Women’s Fitness Physique Open
- Men’s Sport Physique up to 170 cm. (Height – 100 = Weight)
- Men’s Sport Physique up to 175 cm. (Height – 100 = Weight)
- Men’s Sport Physique Over 175 cm. (Height – 100 = Weight + 2 Kg. /over 180 CM. + 4 Kg.)
Category name is called a bit different in Thailand as shown above. Athletic Physique is so called “Classic Physique category” while Sport Physique is “Physique” wearing surf pants on the stage. For those who are not familiar with the difference, Classic Physique category will be judged for balanced and muscular body but not as big as bodybuilding. On the other hand, Physique category is evaluated for inverse triangle body shape with cool appearance in surfing pants. Both categories are separated by the height and limited by weight so basically each one need to have diet to reduce their weight to fit to the stipulation.
My class was Men’s Sport Physique up to 175 cm. I was not so sure that which class do I have to apply for because my height varies between 175 to 176 cm depends on measurement condition. On the competition day, the organizer will measure each competitors height and weight to check the eligibility to join. At the time, I had 80kg one month before the match day so I had to reduce the weight at least 5kg in a month.
Athletic Physique class (Classic physique class)
Sport Physique class (Physique class)
Fitness physique open might not come to mind of readers for what kind of competition. In this category, each one need to bring their music song and costume to show gymnastique ability on the stage, it was like a rhythmic gymnastics.
Fitness Physique class
Day 2 (26th December, 2021)
- Men’s Bodybuilding up to 65 Kg.
- Men’s Bodybuilding up to 70 Kg.
- Men’s Bodybuilding up to 75 Kg.
- Men’s Bodybuilding up to 80 Kg.
- Men’s Bodybuilding over 80 Kg.
- Women’s Model Physique up to 160 Cm.
- Women’s Model Physique up to 164 Cm.
- Women’s Model Physique Over 164 Cm.
- Women’s Athletic Physique Open
Second day for Bodybuilding and female category. Model Physique is so called “bikini” class and Athletic Physique class for women’s are required muscularity compared to Model Physique class. Needless to say, bodybuilding is the major category for fitness competition. Who has balanced vast and leaner muscle can win for each category of bodybuilding.
Men’s Bodybuilding
Women’s Model Physique class (Bikini class)
Online Registration
Registration for the event can be done online by 10 minutes only with free admission. Event is actually well organized at the major shopping mall so it was surprising that anybody can join the event for free. For registration, click the link on the event introduction page then you will need to select you category and personal information together with the copy of your identification. For foreigners like me, passport picture page, visa page and immigration card copy is necessary to attach on the application form.
Registration Confirmation
After application, actually you will not receive any confirmation email. Once admission is closed, TBPA will announce registered person list on the website on the next day of submission deadline. You can check if their is your name. If not, you can call the number shown on the page as soon as possible to check registration status.
When they show the applicant list, they announce only name and nationality of each but not category, you will not know how many persons you compete in your class. On the event day, you can know when you register as participants athlete. In my class for Sport Physique class, 12 persons listed but only 9 persons came to compete on the day. It seems other person decided not come because there is no penalty nor fee charged for no show.
Ok, so registration process is done, it is actually very simple and easy by online application. Once you are done, you can focus more on preparing your body towards to the competition day!..
For next article, I will record my preparation process and report of event day.
See ya!