3 weeks passed after I completed online form of income declaration and reference document submission to revenue department, I noticed the the status of my refund processing was changed as below.
In Thai language, they say that “check for tax refund was already delivered to my address on 17th February. If not found, call to Bangkok area office 0-2917-6020-9 ex 115 ,116 ,117.” Once status showed this message, I started to check my mail box everyday but it seems that the mail has not been delivered to my address for a week. I will wait a bit more then call to tax office in case the situation does not change.
For those who have not yet submitted application, please complete within March 2022 by online or at tax office. I made another article for step by step process to declare Thai income online so you can refer to it.

Received check on March 3rd 2022
Finally I found envelope from tax office in my mail box on 3rd March. It seems that I mistakenly calculated the tax refund amount, there is also explanation on the document why they corrected it and corrected amount.
This year I received check of Krungthai bank unlike last year. Since it was bank check, I can change into cash in any bank. Last year was different, I had to go to Krungthai bank only then process refund.

Claim refunded money at bank
On Sunday morning, I went to Krungsri bank (yellow color) branch at Central Festival Hatyai to deposit refund amount to my account. I brought check from Revenue department, passport and passbook of Krungsri bank.
Processing was done in just 5 minutes only. I just needed to sign one paper for confirmation. Staff told me that refund amount will be recorded in my passbook from Monday, this maybe because I did on weekend.
Good, as usual, I managed to receive tax refund amount this year. Every year I have refunded amount almost equivalent to one month salary amount.
Tax refund application process is very easy, so I recommend all foreigners tax do tax saving activity such as buying insurance, mutual refund and shopping deduction campaign then save your tax amount.

See ya!