Welcome back to “fitravelife.com” End of 2021, I made trip to Phuket. In there we have also Jetts Fitness branch in Central Phuket, Phuket town area. I visited there several times before but this time they had huge improvement of gym facility so I would like to review the gym.
Gym is located inside of Central Phuket at Phuket town area as below. Place can be easily accessed from Patong beach or Phuket airport by public transportation. If you want to go to beach from airport by cheapest means, you will be in need to change from bus to Songteaw at Central Phuket.

Gym is open for 24 hours, located at outside terrace area.
Entering gym with your key card, measure your temperature first then scan key card at reception area. On left side of entrance, you will see functional training and cardio area. right side for machine, free weight and class room area. Passing by free weight area, you can find locker room for male and female bathroom is seperated inside.
Functional training area is very clean and tidy condition.
At the back of reception for vending machine and Tanita body composure measurement machine.
Next to function training area, there is vast space for cardio exercise, such as treadmil, stair master, cross walker, boat and bike.
Big wide window receiving brilliant sun light.
In the middle of gym, you can train your body with machines.
For upper part of your body.
Abduction and adduction for legs and glutes
Leg press machine and back extension, abs crunch.
Leg curl and extension.
Arms and upper back exercise.
Glutes and assisted pull-up bar. Recently I do pull-up for first menu of my back training day. Some bodybuilders consider pull-up can offer one of best compound exercise for lower back by generating more range of motion.
Pull-up bar and back extension unit besides stretching area.
Stretching after workout is key to relax your body to recover from your fatigue.
Supine press can squeeze your chest muscle enough.
Free weight zone starts from 3 types of bench press, flat, decline and incline. Bike is on side facing window.
Another view of free weight zone.
Power rack, smith machine, hack squat and leg press can be available
Cable machines. After free weight zone you will see dumbbell rack and shower room.
Wow… Look at this format! When I saw this, I was so excited. This was not installed in last year so they built this year to allow power lifting training in the gym. This platform so far I see only in Jetts Central Phuket branch only. I really enjoyed using here dropping rubber plate barbell from knee height. Since plat form is not so thick and other member passes by this area, it might be dangerous to drop from the over the head height. If you want to do it, please ask staff first and be very careful dropping the barbelll.
Rubber plate can be dropped on the platform.
Other side view. This is all available rubber plates. 2pieces of 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25kg. Including shaft 20kg. total applicable weight is 170kg.
Let’s take a look at dumbbell zone. 2 standard dumbbell rack offers weight up to 35kg. This is very standard for Jetts Fitness facility.
Group class room next to free weight zone
Circuit training can be done also in outside space.
Gym can be accessed also from 1st floor next o McDonald’s. Since gym is located at open air space in shopping mall, both doors at 1st and 2nd floor is accessible for 24 hours.