Hello, welcome back to “fitravelife.com”!. I have to mention that finally Thai government decided to live with Covid and accelerate the economic activities by easing strict Covid control measure gradually effective September 1 2021. From April this year, we have more and more Covid new cases in Thailand. Responding to the worsen situation, the government implemented stricter measures all over Thailand then finally lockdown came into practice in Bangkok and other 28 provinces in Thailand.
Thanks to vaccination ratio increase and hard policy for Covid containment, the number for new Covid cases are decreasing slightly so The government finally changed their policy to reopen selected business to revise the economy in Thailand.
You can read past Covid control history below.

So, let’s take a look at what was changed and not changed still from September 1, 2021, mainly in dark red zone 29 areas.

Business can operate
Restaurants can be opened for dine-in with 50% of maximum capacity under airconditioned room and 75% for open air venue. Alcohol drinks are not allowed to provide as before.
Shopping mall and community malls can be opened with selected shops such as massage (only foot), barber, beauty salon, electronics shop, bookstore and supermarkets etc.
Public parks and outdoor sport venue such as golf courses can be open. Even indoor sports can be played in case of open air places.
Business remains closed.
Tutorial school, cinema, amusement park, water park gaming shop, swimming pool and fitness centre remains closed. it means that I have to seek for gym outside of Bangkok still… It is already 4 months since my home club is closed. I hope from next month, we can visit gym again with improved Covid situatoin.
Curfew continues from 9:00 pm to 4:00 am. Basically during curfew time, you cannot leave your residents unless otherwise you have valid reason to go out such as visiting hospital or engaging in essential work. You better to bring document from the company or doctor’s diagnosis in case police interrogates.
Interprovincial trip
Travelling to other provinces is now much easier compared to August but government still request to minimize the trip in case really needed only . Now public transportation such as buses and airplanes can be operated with 75 % of maximum passenger only. However to be fit to travelling, you might be vaccinated or proved negative before trip so please check in advance to transportation company. You also still need to check the requirements from the destination province. Without vaccination record, some provinces requires you to be quarantine at hotel or home.